The heart of unbelief departs from the living God according to Hebrews 3:12. Unbelief prevents you from entering God’s rest. God’s rest is available now for the believer as well as in the millennial kingdom and in eternity in Heaven. For God’s word to profit us, it must be mixed with faith according to Hebrews 4:12. Those who believe can enter the rest God has promised. Read Hebrews 3:7-15.
Dr. Stanley Touissant says that “they saw His works but still they did not know His ways”. Having witnessed the amazing things He had done for them in delivering them from bondage in Egypt and providing for them in the wilderness, they should have realized that shows who He is and how He acts on the behalf of His children. But instead “they saw His works but still they did not know His ways”.
After reading this, it made me wonder in what areas of my life do I have unbelief that is causing me to depart from God? Am I looking at circumstances and what seems impossible? Am I saying to Jesus, like the woman at the well did in John 4:11, The well is deep and you have nothing to draw with? How can I receive a blessing or have God honor my prayers if I am doubting His ability or His goodness or His power?
Yes, unbelief can keep you from fully receiving the promises and blessings God is able and willing to give.Unbelief keeps you from joy and promises.God will fulfill His promises but how and when I receive them may be at stake. So, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts.